
Whitlingham Species Guides

During my visits to Whitlingham I have recorded over 1500 species, and have also spent time researching previous records and gathering information from other local naturalists. In order to share this information I have produced a series of checklists and species guides - feel free to download and/or print them off for personal or educational use if you wish.

The guides will be updated periodically to add new records and information. As always if you spot any mistakes, can add information, additional sightings or photos that I can use then please email me (details on the main blog).


Birds checklist
For more details see the annual Whitlingham Bird Reports contained on the relevant blog page.
Flies part 3 Soldierflies and allies
Flies part 4 Tachinids and allies
Flies part 5 Craneflies
Flies part 6 Conopids

Hymenoptera part 1 Checklist
Hymenoptera part 2 Bees
Hymenoptera part 3 Wasps (in progress)
Hymenoptera part 4 Sawflies
Hymenoptera part 5 Ichneumons (not written yet)

Butterflies & moths
Macro Moth checklist - Small Ranunculus added 06-08-20
Micro Moth checklist

Other guides
Barkflies (New guide 2024)
Woodlice (New guide 2024)

(Checklists and then a series of photo guides, aiming to illustrate as many of the recorded species as possible)
Bryophytes checklist
Flowering plants guide 1 - checklist
Flowering plants guide 2 - Ranunculaceae
Flowering plants guide 3 - Caryophyllaceae 
Flowering plants guide 4 - Polygonaceae 
Flowering plants guide 5 - Violets etc 
Flowering plants guide 6 - Cruciferae
Flowering plants guide 7 - Primulaceae
Flowering plants guide 8 - Rosaceae
Flowering plants guide 9 - Fabaceae
Flowering plants guide 10 -  Onagraceae etc
Flowering plants guide 11 - Geraniums etc.
Flowering plants guide 12 - Apiaceae
Flowering plants guide 13 - Gentianaceae
Flowering plants guide 14 - Boraginaceae
Flowering plants guide 15 - Lamiacaea
Flowering plants guide 16 - Scrophulaceae
Flowering plants guide 17 - Rubiaceae (in progress)
Flowering plants guide 18 - Asteraceae
Ferns and horsetails (in progress) 



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