The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

Titchwell & Kelling

19th April 2009

After the previous days lack of birds, we took the train and Coasthopper to Titchwell. We quickly found the male Red-crested Pochard from the first hide, along with a few Grey Plover. The reserve was getting busy, so we went down to the beach, where a seawatch added Sandwich Tern and little else! A walk up to Choseley was almost made pointless as a couple walking the coastal footpath scared everything from the hedge and pad. Eventually the birds started coming back, a few Yellowhammers and Corn Buntings drinking from a puddle in the road. An unfamiliar call alerted us to a Lesser Whitethroat in the hedge.
Deciding to head for somewhere less crowded, we got off the bus at Kelling and walked down to the beach past the water meadows. Walking along Weybourne Camp I failed to see Wheatear for the umpteenth time this spring, but did manage to seem the Nordic Jackdaw, the first one I have recorded, although I can't say I've really been actively looking! As we reached the beach car park at Weybourne, a last scan for anything other than rabbits or Woodpigeons paid off as I picked up a distant Ring Ouzel. A stiff walk to the main road saw us get to the bus home with about a minute to spare!
As the trains are still 2 hourly, we spent an hour in Sheringham taking pictures of Turnstones and Black-headed Gulls. The beauty of digital cameras over film, is that I can delete all 122 pictures of the back of a Turnstone.

This gull caught my eye, mainly because of the yellow and black beak. I'm presuming it's a between-plumages Herring Gull, but if anyone wants to offer me anything rarer then please do!

Year list 178 species.

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