The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

Whitlingham & East Norfolk

2nd January 2010
Gary's bid to take the Norfolk yearlist title began on the 1st with a commendable 107 species, but he still needed some Whitlingham goodies. We got there about 9, and soon refound the Black-necked Grebe, Goosander and Great Northern Diver, a now famous trio. Whilst we were there a redhead Smew was seen briefly, so we decided to stick around to try and relocate it. In doing so, Gary found a female Ruddy Duck, my first Whitlingham tick of 2010. RBA didn't put it out, so we told some other birders onsite, and eventually we saw the Smew too. Bonza.
We then proceeded to take a tour around the east of the county, aiming to see some winter wildfowl before it buggers off. First stop, Cantley, where we found the White-fronted Geese and Taiga Bean Geese, along with a couple of Marsh Harriers. Two Chinese Water Deer were also mooching about. Next stop, Strumpshaw. We heard a redpoll calling, and tracked it to the woods - Lesser Redpoll. Also in the woods, GS Woodpecker, Nuthatch and lots of Marsh Tits. After scanning each one, a thick-necked individual showing the white cheek area and buff flanks of Willow Tit. Wanting to be sure, we waited until it called. Whilst listening to a recorded version, the Willow Tit flew onto the path next to us, responding to the call with some Willow Tit beats of its own. A session in the fen hide saw us record lots of ice.
We arrived at Wroxham Broad, and along with Bob Cobbold and Andy Kane we stood in the scrub by the fence waiting for the Ring-necked Duck to emerge from the Yacht Club. Bob had gone by the time Gary picked it up. It had been in front of us for a little while, but remained asleep. We headed to a heavily frozen Barton where the male Ferruginous Duck was still around, although spending most of its time behind a reedy spit. We cut through Ludham and scanned the Bewick's Swan flock, picking out a few Whooper Swans.
We ended the day at Stubb Mill, although it was already gloomy. A flyover Yellowhammer was a year tick, and a steady stream of Cranes flew in. Many Marsh Harriers, but no sign of any Hen Harriers or Merlin. A Little Egret and a Barn Owl flew through, last bird of the day was Woodcock, with at least 5 flying out of the trees.

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