The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

SUFFOLK: Lakenheath Fen

21st May 2011

Working down Cathy's list of birds she'd like to see, we reached Golden Oriole. Although several have been seen/heard recently (I still need G.O. for Norfolk) our best shot was Lakenheath, so we headed across the border into Suffolk. To condense a long wait into a short story, we heard but didnt see any Orioles. We were kept company by a group of dragonfly enthusiasts, who had located a Scarce Chaser and proceeded to trample through the bankside nettles to photograph it, despite having lenses that would allow pictures to have been obtained from Brandon. Whilst I was staring at the poplars Cathy went looking for insects, finding another Scarce Chaser, red-and-black froghoppers and several beetles. On our way back to the car a Hobby soared over.

As it still wasn't even midday we stopped at East Wretham on the way back. Pick of the birds was a Redstart, whilst a brood of Egyptian Geese on Langmere gave it that homely feeling.

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