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NORTH NORFOLK: Muckleburgh, Cley & Burnham

23rd September 2012

With some easterly winds for the first time this autumn, we decided to have a look for some migrants. I decided on Muckleburgh Hill, partly because I like the area and partly because there had been no birds reported from it over the weekend. We did a lap of the wooded areas around the hill, also stopping to scan the hedges and open spaces of Weybourne Camp. We saw very little of interest, and the sole tit flock in the area (at nearby Weynor Gardens) didn't hold any Phylloscs.

We carried onto Cley for lunch, after which we had a look from the central hides. There was a Bar-tailed Godwit and a few Golden Plovers on Simmond's Scrape, and a Common Sandpiper and a sleeping Barnacle Goose (picked out amongst the Canadas by Cathy) on Pat's Pool. The hides were surprisingly empty, and a reason for this became apparent when Gary called to say that he had just been to see a Booted Warbler at Burnham Overy Dunes. We headed to Burnham, but as the weather was getting cooler with rain in the air I walked down to the saltmarsh on my own. The Booted Warbler was surprisingly active, regularly flying up and down a suaeda-lined channel, although once perched it was very tricky to locate. Booted Warblers haven't been easy to catch up with in Norfolk, so it was nice to get a look at this one, a good find for Carl and Tim.

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