The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

NORFOLK: New websites and additions to the Norfolk list

Several recent developments may be of interest to regular readers of this blog:

1) The Norfolk Records Committee have launched their own website. As well as information about the committee members and the species considered by them, it contains identification articles and a Work-in-progress file so that recorders can see the progress of their records. You can visit the website here:

2) The Cley Bird Club have also recently launched their website, which includes a list of the birds seen in the Cley Square, photographs and latest sightings.

Finally the BBRC have published their annual report of rare birds in Britain for 2011. There are few surprises, with the majority of the rare birds submitted from Norfolk during the past year officially accepted. There are however four additions to the Norfolk list to emerge from the report. Firstly the American Herring Gull seen at Blackborough End Tip in 2004 has finally been accepted. Secondly a male Spectacled Warbler found on Scolt Head in May 2011 was new to Norfolk and the 6th British record (there may well be more on the warbler in the next Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report, although the decision on the gull may have come too late for inclusion). The other two were anticipated: Sandhill Crane (photographed at Snettisham and ID'd after the bird had departed) and Western Sandpiper (the well-watched bird at Cley NWT).

[Edit] Obviously there were actually five additions to the Norfolk list, my mind had somehow blanked all memory of the Rufous-tailed Robin at Warham.

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