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NORWICH: Train Wood highlights

22nd August 2017

After work on Tuesday I decided to take a rather circuitous route home, taking in a bit of Train Wood. There wasn't much in the way of flowering plants in the wooded area, so I cut through and emerged onto the main tarmac path running behind the industrial estate. Here there was more to draw my attention, and amongst the numerous Canadian Goldenrod I found some stands of Tansy. As I don't see it too much I decided to focus on it, and this paid of with three new species for me - Tansy Aphid (if you look closely you can see the demonic red eyes), a Tansy leaf miner (Phytomyza tanaceti) and a plant bug, Megacoleus molliculus.

A bit further along I searched another clearing and came up with two more new species, another leaf miner (Agromyza frontella), this time in Hop Trefoil, and a rhopalid bug, Liorhyssus hyalinus.

To show that I was using some of my other senses I located a calling Great-spotted Woodpecker, then used my sense of smell to track down a group of Stinkhorns in the pathside vegetation. A very productive diversion home all in all.

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