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NORWICH: Catton Park winter fungi

4th February 2018

Yet another grey day as I set off for a walk around Catton Park for the first time this year. It was too cold and damp for insects, so I decided to stick to the wooded edges and look for fungi. This proved to be quite a good idea, as I found some nice Grass Oysterlings (Crepidotus epibryus) growing on dead Sycamore leaves, as well as some tiny pink blobs of Illiosporiopsis christiansenii. Other fungi included Jelly Ear, Oyster Mushrooms, Toothed Crust, Yellow Brain and Smoky Bracket.

 Most Crepidotus spores are ellipsoidal, but this species has longer, thinner spores.

Mid-winter isn't a great time for leaf mines, but I did manage to find four species including Phytomyza leucanthemi in Ox-eye Daisy basal leaves, which was a species I've been keeping an eye out for.

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