The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

NORWICH: Some nice bees

5th July 2020

After completing the WeBS count I detoured home via Jeremy and Vanna's garden. The main reason for the visit was to pick up my copy of Vanna's book "Arthropedia" (previously reviewed on this blog but using a digital copy as publishing and then lockdown restrictions meant I couldn't get a physical copy). True to form there were lots of bees in the garden including a little and large double act with the Hylaeus (Yellow-face) bees. Several male Large Yellow-face Bees (Hylaeus signatus) were on some Weld, whilst Vanna had just caught a Small Yellow-face Bee (Hylaeus pictipes). Also in the garden was one of the beautiful Hedychrum nobile/niemelai ruby-tailed wasps, and because it would be rude to go home without seeing something new Vanna caught and confirmed a Colletes similis bee that was feeding on some flowers in the garden (a species I've probably seen before but has to be caught and keyed to be sure).

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