The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

WHITLINGHAM: July visit summary

July 2021

I squeezed in three visits to Whitlingham during the month, hoping to hear or see a Ring-necked Parakeet that had been seen periodically around Thorpe Island. If they continue to colonise Norwich at a similar rate to the past few years then I'm sure it won't be long before I see one here, but for the time it eludes me. Not much else to report in the way of birds other than a few Swifts lingering and a pair of Linnet, although two Canada Geese had some extra white on the face (thought to be a pigment deficiency rather than signs of hybridism with Barnacle Goose).

Interesting non-avian sightings included several Brassica Bugs (aka Crucifer Shieldbug), a Lesser Stag Beetle, galls of Contatinia solani on Woody nightshade and Eucallipterus tiliae (an aphid on Lime trees)

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