The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here


With the year drawing to a close, I am currently compiling a bird report for the Whitlingham area for 2012. This will mainly be composed of my own sightings, but to make it as complete as possible I would welcome any interesting sightings that others have made. Anyone who sends in any sightings will of course be included in the acknowledgements at the end of the report

Of particular interest would be:

  • Scarce species
  • High counts
  • Particularly early or late records of migrants
  • Any wing-tagged/ringed/neck-collared birds
In addition, there are several relatively common or annual species, or species seen flying towards Whitlingham, that I haven't seen or heard of this year, notably:
  • Bewick's Swan (now reported)
  • Osprey (now reported)
  • Red-legged Partridge
  • Woodcock
  • Jack Snipe
  • Whimbrel
  • Tawny Owl
Any reports can be emailed to me (address is on the right hand side of the blog), posted in the comments or sent to me via BirdForum. The completed report will be available to download for anyone who is interested early in January.


  1. Hi James. Was going to ask if your "Whitlingham Bird Report" included Thorpe St Andrew Marshes then noticed that it did! Look forward to downloading it.

  2. Hi Paul. Yep Thorpe Marsh is included. Chris Durdin is doing a more complete report on all taxa recorded at Thorpe this year for the NWT, so there is that to look forward to as well.

  3. Hi James. Not been down to Whitlingham much this year but her eare the dates for Firecrest and Whinchat if you not got them. 2x Firecrest 3rd April and Whinchat 15th May (Thorpe).

  4. I think I made a note of them at the time, but I'll double check against these, cheers.
