The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

NORWICH: Slender-horned Leatherbug

26th May 2020

A slow walk into work, and although the traffic levels are creeping back up it was still much quieter than would be normal (most of the city centre car parks are still shut). I heard screeching swifts above and a singing Goldcrest in a roadside conifer, whilst Banded Demoiselles and Large Red Damselflies fluttered over the river. Some Common Broomrape had once again grown near the path, presumably parasitizing the nearby Buddleia.

The highlight was reserved for my return journey however, when I noticed a Coreid bug on a leaf. It looked similar to Box Bug, but was noticeably smaller and the corners of the pronotum didn't stick out as far as they would on that species. I photographed it from several angles and was delighted to identify it as Slender-horned Leatherbug. I'd not seen this species before, and it means that there are just two more Leatherbugs that occur in East Anglia left for me to see - Cryptic Leatherbug and Dalman's Leatherbug. The latter does occur in the Brecks, but I've not heard of any recent sightings of the former.

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