The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

NORTH NORFOLK: A day out in Wells

Early June 2022

Having barely been to the coast in the past few years, I was back for the second time in a week, this time at Wells. I could probably spend several happy days (at least!) recording wildlife amongst all of the different habitats here, but had to make due with a walk up and down the quayside and the nearest part of the dune system. Still plenty of time for some some interesting finds, including some species new to me. The highlight though was a Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth found nectaring on Viper's Bugloss. I've seen one before, but they are such amazing moths.

Attulus saltator - a tiny and well camouflaged jumping spider, found amongst Marram whilst looking unsuccessfully for Marram Pseudoscorpions.
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Moth
Clanoptilus barnevillei - a rare relative of the Malachite Beetle
Coccidula rufa, an inconspicuous ladybird
Cuneopalpus cyanops, a barkfly found on Pine
Gibbaranea gibbosa, a rather large and unusually shaped spider, found on pine
Marram Thatcher, Demetrias monostigma, a small dune-specialist ground beetle
Pine Jelly Fungus, Exidia saccharina
Podagrica fuscicornis - one of two similar flea beetles found on Mallow sp in coastal habitats. They can be separated by leg colour.
Sea Lavender rust fungus

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