The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

NORTH NORFOLK: A visit to Holme

4th June 2022

At the start of June there was a moth trap opening at Holme Dunes NWT reserve, so we decided to go and have a look. There are quite a few coastal species that I am yet to see, and that is still the case as the cool and windy conditions meant only low numbers of mostly common species were caught. Hedge Shade, Isotrias rectifasciana, was the only 'new' species.

After the trap opening we went for a walk on the beach, the highlight of which was finding two empty sand grain tubes made by a Pectinaria sp.

After lunch we went to a short walk around the reserve. I heard my first Cuckoo of the year, and was also pleased to see the coccinea form of Early Marsh Orchid (probably my favourite orchid). Back in the car park we looked at some low growing plants, Mossy Stonecrop, Subterranean Clover and Bird's-foot Clover, whilst also finding a Fallen's Leatherbug and lots of Nysius species, probably N. huttoni.

Before leaving I found a Scaeva selenetica hoverfly and some Cavariella theobaldi aphids on Wild Parsnip.

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