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NORTH NORFOLK: Bayfield sculpture trail

Late October 2022

If you visit Natural Surroundings from the direction of Holt, you will be familiar with the Bayfield Estate on the right hand side of the road. There is a permissive footpath along one edge of the lake, but the other side with the hall and a ruined church is private. During October the grounds had been opened up for a sculpture trail, so we decided to go and have a look. The hall drive way had some rather unforgiving speedbumps (and nowhere to pull off the road to let cars coming towards you past!) but we eventually made our way up to the hall and picked up a trail map. The weather was drizzly, but not too bad. As is often the case the sculptures appealed to a wide range of tastes, which is the polite way of saying some of it looked really good and must have taken ages, whilst some of it was less impressive. There were also a few nice bits of permanent art, including something that looked like a Harpy Eagle or something similar.

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