The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2023 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

SOUTH NORFOLK: Dickleburgh Moor insects & fungi

18th May 2024

An enjoyable visit to the nature reserve at Dickleburgh Moor with the Norfolk Fungus Study Group, seeing a good mixture of insects and fungi. Invertebrate highlights included the hoverfly Chrysotoxum cautum, the weevil Dorytomus hirtipennis and a psyllid new to Norfolk, Aphalara maculipennis, whilst in terms of fungi the rust Puccinia conii on Hemlock and Woolly Woodwart were both new for me.

Aphalara maculipennis on Amphibious Bistort. Seemingly a rare species in the UK, this was the first Norfolk record.

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