With a lull in watchable Norfolk birds (the Penduline tit appears to have buggered off and can't get to Wolferton to hunt for Rough-legs), me & Adam took the train to Oulton Broad. Luckily the Black-throated Diver was sat close to the road. Whilst Adam was taking photos, it flew to the west end soon after and wasn't seen for the rest of the day. Going into the Nicholas Everitt Park, a beautiful male Wood Duck gave good views, as did a Red-crested Pochard x Mallard hybrid.

We walked down to Lowestoft Docks, and saw 5 Kittiwakes (2 juveniles) sitting on old nests at the harbour entrance. Looking back from Hamilton Dock we saw a lone Shag. We walked up to Ness Point, where unfortunately the tide was in. We did see 8 Purple Sandpiper, numerous Turnstones and a large flock of Linnet.
Year list 138 species (+6 non-BOU)
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