The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

Salthouse & Cley

29th March 2009

Train & Coasthopper to Salthouse. We walked around Gramborough Hill, which was Wheatear-less. The walk to Cley was productive, a female Garganey and a Green Sandpiper amongst others. There were huge numbers of Meadow Pipits, maybe we could ween Sea Eagles onto them instead of lambs and bitterns. Incidentally, after painstaking research I found evidence that Sea Eagles were native to Norfolk and can therefore be reintroduced! Unfortunately it was stolen from me by the Easter Bunny, who then jumped into the Bermuda Triangle. Doh!
At Cley we saw an out-of-place Rock Pipit (migrating north?) at the end of the East Bank, along with some summer plumage Black-tailed Godwits. Walking to the visitors centre, I spotted a small raptor flying through and briefly tangling with a Marsh Harrier. It's identity caused confusion, my thought process was basically calling out names of birds of prey, followed by "no!" It then flew swiftly off towards Blakeney, leaving us with the conclusion it was an escaped something. Bizarrely we got home to find that an escaped Saker had been reported from Salthouse and Blakeney. A check in the book confirmed that was indeed the bird we saw, and I feel slightly happier that it wasn't just me not being able to identify raptors! Also it's the first time I've jammed in on a good bird in ages.

Year list 154 species.

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