Marston Marshes LNR lies to the south of Norwich and makes up part of the Yare river valley between UEA and Whitlingham. When I first moved to the south city I was hopeful that it would be a productive site for birds, and one of the first things I heard about it was that on a warm spring evening you could still see Snipe drumming there. That proved to be a thing of the past (I only saw one Snipe, and it was departing swiftly!). Nevertheless I'm sure with regular watching Marston would clock up a decent list. A ripped notice on the gate suggests that two wader scrapes are going to be created to increase its sppeal to birds. In my experience these articifically created scrapes have a fairly low success rate at actually attracting waders, but I'm all for trying. Anyway, I was there to look for a Hawfinch seen the previous day, but it wasn't there. Having searched tree-by-tree, I spent some time watching a pair of Grey Wagtails on the path before calling it a day.

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