The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

WHITLINGHAM: Now with bonus hirundines

27th April 2011

As the previous days visit had been rather hit-and-run, I came back after work to have a good poke round. On the whole I needn't have bothered. Gosling update is that there is now a brood of 3 Canada Geese, the lone Egyptian Goose family is down to 1 gosling and the black-and-white Mallard is down to 3 ducklings. The Wigeon x Gadwall hybrid was back in the conservation area and looks to be showing a bit more white between the belly and the tail. The main focus for attention was the large (50+) flock of hirundines skimming across the water. Mostly Sand Martins, with a liberal smattering of House Martins and a few Swallows. Sadly my first Red-rumped Swallow will have to wait a bit longer. I went into the woods and looked down onto Thorpe Marshes, but couldn't see any waders. Looking over the meadows on the way back there was again no Little Owl.

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