The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2023 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

NORWICH: Sweet Briar Marsh NWT/NNNS event

5th May 2024

Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society have agreed to run a two-year recording project at the recently acquired Norfolk Wildlife Trust reserve at Sweet Briar Marshes. As this area is within comfortable walking distance of home I wanted to be involved, so I went to the site on 5th May to be shown around by the NWT team along with a group of other active wildlife recorders from NNNS. We had a good look round, the first of many hopefully. My wildlife highlight from Sweet Briar was probably a Weasel that run around the path shortly after we arrived, but I also found a new lacebug for me, Tachycixius pilosus. On the way home I cut across Mile Cross Marsh, the adjacent section of marsh owned by the council and found a new soldier beetle, Cantharis fusca, which was nice as I had only recently mentioned that I seem to find the same handful of species all of the time!

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