The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

BROADS: Wroxham Barns

2nd March 2019

During a family visit to Wroxham Barns we were watching the birds around a pond and contemplating if I would be able to see a Swoose on a future visit as a Mute Swan being followed about by a white farmyard-type domestic Greylag. The swan was almost in the water when I noticed that it had a leg ring! We lingered a bit but it showed no inclination to get back out of the water. Fortunately after a look around the farm we returned and it did climb out. As I was looking after Rose, Cathy agreed to go over and read the ring. I haven't submitted it yet, but from the details I suspect it is going to be an RSPCA rescue, so it probably hasn't travelled anywhere, which is a bit of an anticlimax.

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