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NORTH NORFOLK: Holt fungus foray

Late October 2018

Despite spending quite a bit of time during the autumn looking for fungi, I don't get round to going on many public forays anymore. Tony Leech was leading one at Holt C.P. for the Norfolk Wildlife Trust. Cathy & Margaret came too so Rose could attend her first foray. It had been ages since I had been to the CP via the Hempstead Road entrance so I had forgotten that bit was hilly, making for some interesting buggy-pushing (which didn't get any better on the gorse-laden Lowes), but we did see a good range of fungi to make up for any diffculties.

One of the highlights was the range of boletes seen, 5 species in all including Scarletina Bolete (the commonest of the ones with bright red pores instead or yellow), Peppery Bolete and Mottled Bolete (which bruises a bright greeny-blue at the base). We saw quite a bit of Nail fungus (Poronia punctata), although at a stage where the black specks on the surface weren't visible. Unfortunately I didn't photograph the one species that was new to me, Burgundydrop Bonnet, as I didn't realise at the time that I'd not seen it before.

 Scarletina Bolete
 Mottled Bolete
 Nail Fungus
Fly Agaric

Afterwards we headed to Natural Surroundings for lunch, which was great as always.

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