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WHITLINGHAM: Some leaf mines & fungi

28th October 2018

A few hours free on Sunday afternoon saw me head to Whitlingham. I had a look over the Great Broad in case there were any storm-driven seabirds, but it was much the same as it had been at the WeBS count, with a few more Tufted Ducks and Coot. I then turned my attention to the wooded areas, where I racked up about 20 moth leaf mines, including several patch firsts.

 Ectoedemia occultella in Birch
 Phyllonorycter tristrigella in Elm
 Stigmella sakhalinella in Birch

There wasn't an awful lot of fungi around, but I found some Wrinkled Peach fungus in an area where I had seen them previously, and Parasola auricoma was a new Whitlingham one for me. I also saw a nice looking slime mould on some fallen Lime tree fruits, which was identified online as Diachea leucopodia.

Of the non-lepidopteran mines there were several beetles - Rhampus oxycanthae on Hawthorn, Rhampus pulicarius on Sallow and a Sphaeroderma sp on thistle. Saving the best until last, a mine of Phytomyza fallaciosa in Creeping Buttercup was a new record for Norfolk.

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