The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

WHITLINGHAM: May WeBS count & some butterflies

19th May 2019

A brief summary of the May WeBS count:

2 Gadwall and 17 Tufted Ducks still present. Mute Swan numbers up to 75, one pair of Canada Geese had two goslings and most pleasingly a pair of Great-crested Grebes had a least one young grebeling riding on the back of one of the parents. A Moorhen with a chick was also visible on the island. I had been told about a nesting pair of Treecreepers but didn't have much time, so I had to make due with watching one of them fly onto a dead tree and vanish Houdini-like into a crack in the bark.

Insect highlights included:

 Cheilosia variabilis
 Small Copper
Feeding signs of the micro moth Epinotia abbreviana

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