The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

WHITLINGHAM: Local Mega - Nightingale

3rd May 2012

A red-letter day at Whitlingham, with the arrival of a singing Nightingale.  It was heard on a dawn chorus walk in the morning led by Peter, and also heard by several others throughout the day.  I'm particularly grateful to Ron, who mentioned it on Birdforum.  To maximise my chance of locating it, I waited until around seven, and headed down to Whitlingham.  On my way I heard some Sedge Warblers and saw my first Reed Warbler and Whitethroats here this year.  A Cuckoo was calling constantly, moving between the island and the willows along the North shore of the broad.  I heard a small bit of Nightingale song, and as it got darker it began to sing more.  At one point I moved around the broad and could still hear it, carrying across the water.  Over the river a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling at Thorpe.  An excellent evenings birding, and hopefully the Nightingale will stay for a while.

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