The Whitlingham Bird Report for 2024 is now available to download from the Bird Reports page or from here

WHITLINGHAM: Bittern in the sunshine

19th December 2017

I began a brief visit to Whitlingham with a check around the productive woodchipped area, where I noticed a group of Lepista sordida - which according to my records I had only seen twice before, back in 1995.

Walking along the south shore of the Great Broad a Kingfisher flew along the ditch, a few feet away. This would usually be the highlight of my visit, but a bit further along I was scanning the reeds on the far side of the broad when I noticed some movement. It was a Bittern, regular here in winter but elusive and always a pleasure to see here. Even better, whilst watching the Bittern a Kingfisher flew through my binocular view and landed close by. A quick scan of the sunny reeds now revealed a Grey Heron, a Kingfisher and a Bittern. Without doubt one of my favourite patch visits of the year.

Photographed through my binoculars so not great quality, but it is facing in different directions in the photos so you can see something has moved!

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